In every fishmonger's, butcher's or delicatessen there is an unbreakable love...
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Counter crush: TouchScale 22i,... 05/02/2025Read more
Scale Sinergy Kit: a connected... 27/01/2025Publicado en: News748 visitas 0 GustóRead more
Nowadays, having solutions that integrate the entire operation of a shop is...
EpelSoft PORTABLE, weighing on... 22/01/2025Publicado en: News600 visitas 0 GustóRead more
Can you imagine being able to have complete control of your weights in the...
Big functions in compact... 16/01/2025Publicado en: News816 visitas 0 GustóRead more
EPELSA's compact scales, small in size, big in solutions Small space, high...
Are you still printing and... 03/01/2025Publicado en: News715 visitas 0 GustóRead more
Automate the change of prices on your shelves with eTAG and Nautilus in an...
Featured news
Counter crush: TouchScale 22i, the scale that never misses the markPublicado en: News5 visitas 0 GustóIn every fishmonger's, butcher's or delicatessen there is an unbreakable love story: that of the professional with...Read more
Scale Sinergy Kit: a connected ecosystem for tomorrowPublicado en: News748 visitas 0 GustóNowadays, having solutions that integrate the entire operation of a shop is essential to optimise resources and offer...Read more
EpelSoft PORTABLE, weighing on Android devicesPublicado en: News600 visitas 0 GustóCan you imagine being able to have complete control of your weights in the palm of your hand? With EpelSoft PORTABLE,...Read more
Big functions in compact formats: compact scalesPublicado en: News816 visitas 0 GustóEPELSA's compact scales, small in size, big in solutions Small space, high demands? In the retail and industrial...Read more
Are you still printing and manually placing prices and promotions on the shelves?Publicado en: News715 visitas 0 GustóAutomate the change of prices on your shelves with eTAG and Nautilus in an agile and efficient way. Updating your...Read more